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CSR / Community


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the way through which a company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives, while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders. The strategies for CSR are meant to encourage the organization to make a positive impact on the environment and stakeholders in terms of education, health care, livelihood, natural resources management, advocacy and inclusion.

The philanthropic nature of CSR activities necessitates a studied, considerate and passionate approach to contribute positively towards tackling genuine issues facing the society. It, hence becomes an imperative for the Top Management to drive the philosophy across levels within the organization and across all stakeholders.

At Solaris Chemtech, CSR is integral to the way we conduct ourselves in business and in society. It is our strong belief that business sustainability is closely connected to the sustainable and holistic development of the community and environment.

CSR at Solaris is not a set of one off activities to cater to statutory requirements, it is planned as a long-term intervention taking into account the society’s needs and aspirations. All our projects are centered around sustainable development and implemented across thematic areas such as education support program, health care, livelihood promotion program, soil and water conservation program, environment conservation program.

Education support program:
Education is the pillar that supports any Nation or Society’s growth and development. Within this Program, our approach is to create a joyful and enabling environment for children, through a scalable and replicable model. Our programs focus on the improving the levels of learning of children between 6 to 14 years old. This is done through bridge program like support teacher, arts and craft workshop, digital education tools, Libraries and community-based intervention to reduce school drop outs and increase awareness on education.

Health care program:
It is aptly said that Health is Wealth. This focus makes Health interventions a very crucial area of our overall CSR interventions. We run mobile heath van to cater generic illnesses in the villages. Need based health camps are organized on regular basis for community. Along with that, we also organize preventive health care program to create awareness on various health issues. A specific focus on mother and child health issues has gained increasing importance and programs for awareness and preventive care of the same are being organized regularly.

Livelihood promotion program:
Creating a self-sustaining society is another focus area that drives our programs. This is achieved through upskilling of and entrepreneurial support to the different communities in the region. Livelihood interventions are implemented at the farm level for communities that are predominantly Maldhari / farmers and through vocational education and skills building to youth on various trades. Youth are trained for new age jobs in the service sector and in technical training. Cattle care and agriculture are also supported to mainstream the livelihood at village levels.

Soil and water conservation program:
Responsiveness towards a cleaner and safer environment is an important commitment that includes ensuring proper management of resources. The uneven and hilly terrains of Khavda make Soil Erosion an issue to focus on and tackle before it leads to irreversible depletion. This is another area that we focus on, in the region. We carry out various water conservation activities like pond deepening, contour trenches, bolder bunding, nali plug, potable drinking water wells, etc. The mass plantation drives conducted by us in the area have been instrumental in increasing the green footprints in the region.

Composition of CSR Committee
1. R.R. Vederah
2. Harsh Gupta
3. Sonu Chadha